The latest tips and stories from our Wonky Team & Community.

Hand holding cavolo nero leaves
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Plastic Free July: What you need to know about plastic and produce

Learn more about the plastic vs produce pickle, Wonky's packaging promises, plus easy tips to ditch the single use plastic in your kitchen.

Plate of Rainbow Lasagne
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4 Recipes to Rekindle your Root Veggie Romance

Gotten into a root vegetable rut this winter? Here are four family-friendly recipes to transform classic winter root veggies into dishes that will delight!‍

Grower holding a tangelo in their hand
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The Squeeze on Wonky Citrus

Wonky’s guide to Winter citrus, straight from the fields of First Fresh in Tairāwhiti Gisborne. Here's what to expect in your Box!

A box of fresh bananas
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Wonky Box has gone Bananas

These snack time saviors are the latest addition to Wonky Box’s new Fruit Only Box. Here's the downlow on where they come from and tips to make the most of them.

Wonky News

Autumn Veggie Guide

As Autumn arrives, it brings chiller winter months. But it's not all bad news! The cold weather creates a great environment for growing an array of cooler winter crops.


Tips & How To's

Check out some of these insights, tips, and tricks for a low-waste lifestyle.


Fighting Waste

Discover our community's latest news, inspiring stories, and innovative practices.


Wonky News

Discover impactful solutions, practical tips, and inspiring stories to combat food waste.


Grower Journal

Hear from growers who are sending their produce to Wonky Box in a bid to reduce food waste.


Grower Journal

Hear from growers who are sending their produce to Wonky Box in a bid to reduce food waste.

Greig picking apples
Grower Journal
From Wonky to Wonderful: The Story of Hawke's Bay's Apples

Meet the Hawke's Bay based grower behind some of Wonky Box's unique apples. This one's sure to be the apple of your eye!

Grower picking pear
Grower Journal
A Tale of 'Pear'serverance

Industry size standards almost left 5,000kgs of Gisborne kiwifruit to end up as waste. Here's how some peculiar pears and tiny kiwis ended up in your Boxes.

Grower Journal
A Frosty Start To The Asparagus Harvest

We know winter is well and truly over when we see local asparagus in the box! Although the 100-day harvest is well underway now, the battle against the weather hasn't been particularly easy.

Grower Journal
An Unusual Citrus Harvesting Season

Read about our collaboration with our first Gisborne citrus grower to supply Wonky Box and the unusual harvesting season they've been experiencing.

Grower Journal
How To Fix A Leek

Following the January 2023 Auckland floods, this grower faced a challenging situation with their crop of leeks. Here's the journey they went on to ensure no food was lost.

Grower Journal
Cyclone Gabriel's Impact on a Hastings Orchard

How a fruitful partnership emerged from the destruction of Cyclone Gabriel. Meet Hugh & Mary, suppliers of Wonky Boxes Kiwifruit!

Grower Journal
From Spuds to Sprouts

Hear about Alan and Andrea Buchanan journey as they expand their 25-year-old business, taking on the brussel sprout market with determination and success.


1/3 of food globally is wasted and it’s estimated that up to 40% of produce grown doesn’t leave the farm gate.